Protect Your Skin this Summer from Excessive Sun Exposure

Jun 22, 2016

Summer officially began earlier this week—and for many of our team members, that means extra time out in the sun. With one in five Americans developing skin cancer during his or her lifetime, it’s crucial to be vigilant about protecting your skin from sun exposure. The risk of skin cancer greatly increases for anyone who’s had more than five sunburns or uses a tanning bed before the age of 35.

The Skin Cancer Foundation offers these tips for skin protection from the sun:

  • Avoid tanning beds and direct sun exposure, especially from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. when ultraviolet (UV) rays are the strongest.

  • Clothing is your first line of defense to harmful UV rays. So cover as much skin as possible, and use a broad-brimmed hat and UV-blocked sunglasses. Hats help prevent burning areas that are hard to cover with sunscreen or typically forgotten about, such as the scalp and ears.

  • Apply a water-resistant, broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when you will be outside for an extended amount of time. Reapply every two hours and immediately after swimming or profuse sweating.

  • Examine your skin for unusual skin changes every month, and have a physician do a skin check each year.

Check out the picture below for further facts about skin cancer, and read our blogs on heat exhaustion and hydration for more tips on staying healthy this summer! 

Skin Cancer Facts