Safe Driving During Deer Season

Nov 22, 2023

As deer season continues, the roads increasingly become shared spaces between vehicles and wildlife. By staying informed and taking precautionary measures, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with deer-related accidents.

State Farm conducts an annual deer claim study to help determine the potential likelihood of a driver hitting deer and other animals when driving on highways and roads. According to State Farm’s annual statistics, the states with the highest likelihood of accidents in 2023 are:

  1. West Virginia
  2. Montana
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Michigan
  5. Wisconsin
  6. Iowa
  7. Mississippi
  8. South Dakota
  9. Virginia
  10. Missouri

Additionally, State Farm’s survey concluded that drivers on average have a one in 127 chance of a collision with an animal. The company estimates there were over 1.8 million animal collision insurance claims in the U.S. between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023.

It is crucial to prioritize safety on the roads, and there are additional precautions drivers should take in fall and winter. Here are a few safe driving tips to keep in mind while on the road:Deer Crossing

  • Deer are more active at dusk and dawn, so be on the lookout during those times, in particular, though deer can be active throughout the day and night.
  • Drive with caution in areas where deer crossing signs are posted. If you see one deer on a road, expect that there will be more.
  • When you encounter an animal in your lane, brake and keep control of the vehicle. Do not swerve as this may result in a rollover or a collision with another vehicle.
  • If you do get in a collision with a deer, be sure to inspect the vehicle for damage. Stop as soon and as safely as you can, turn on your hazards, and put out your triangles to secure the area to warn other drivers that you are stopped. Once you are safe on the roadway, do a visual inspection of the point of contact.

Check out Ruan’s Megasafe7 Rules of Safe Driving for even more ways to stay safe on the road.