What's Your #ExceptionalExperience with Ruan?

May 21, 2020

Earlier this year, Ruan refreshed our mission statement. This statement, along with our five Guiding Principles, guides us in how we conduct business and how we drive our culture. Our new mission is to empower the best team in logistics to deliver exceptional experiences that create value for our partners.

As we thought about this new mission, we knew that highlighting exceptional experiences would be an important component. We deliver exceptional experiences in how we serve our customers, how we interact as team members, how we impact our communities, how we operate in all things with a safety focus. During these unprecedented and challenging times, you've shared some exceptional experiences—stories of teamwork, stories of going above and beyond to serve our customers, stories of doing all we can to ensure the American public has the goods and products they need, stories of making safe decisions. We know these stories are happening every day at all 300 operations across the country.

Now we want to hear about yours. What is your exceptional experience at Ruan or partnering with Ruan? Share with us examples of teamwork, recognition, praise, high performance, continuous improvement—anything that highlights delivering exceptional experiences for our partners. Keep in mind that our partners could be team members, valued customers, community members, local non-profit organizations, American consumers, the motoring public, etc. Some real-world examples include customers providing free grab bags, drivers traveling to cover another customer’s boosted business, volunteering with food banks, making masks, helping a stranded motorist, helping a driver make a safe decision, receiving praise from a customer or manager, etc.

Share your exceptional experience by:

  • Sending an email to Communications@ruan.com
  • Posting on our social media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram. Make sure to use #exceptionalexperiences

Your submission could be a written anecdote, but feel free to submit photos or even video testimonials! We look forward to hearing about all of your #exceptionalexperiences. We’ll share them on the Hub, social media, and in Ruan publications so we can celebrate each other’s stories. Thank you for all you do to deliver exceptional experiences that create value for our partners!